Feeling like your knowledge of leukaemia and lymphoma is a bit rusty? Confused by all the details of the different subtypes?
Join us as Dr Trung Ngo runs through how to recognise a patient with leukaemia or lymphoma, what the workup and investigations involve, and what you need to know about management. The session will be rounded out with some interactive cases with Q&A.
This seminar will be great revision for MD2s-4s and a useful head-start for MD1s, so don’t miss out!
Dr Trung Ngo is a basic physician trainee (BPT3) at St Vincent’s, who has a special interest in Haematology. He loves getting involved with teaching medical students and is great at breaking down difficult topics into simple concepts that are easy to understand!
Zoom link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/91540859112?pwd=TWplaE9qcjViMGNUL1l6TkZmN244UT09
Password: 763402
Password: 763402
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